James Aung
Hi, I’m James. I’m currently working as a contract TPM for OpenAI’s Preparedness team, where we’re building various model evaluations.
I grew up in London and currently live in the beautiful city of Oxford, where I studied Philosophy and Linguistics. I think the UK is great, and I am a big fan of Wetherspoons and meal deals.
I believe AGI is a key technology that our society will pass through; and that it presents one of the best means for addressing the many issues and challenges that the world faces. If AGI goes well, it could dramatically improve the lives of all humans and the many other living beings that we share our planet with.
I think the best way for us to arrive at AGI is gradually and carefully; allowing time for society to understand what is happening, and prepare mitigations and adaptations. Early broad deployment seems to me to be the most democratic way of handling this transition, by giving more people experience with and thus a stake in the technology.
I try to be vegetarian because I believe modern factory farming is very cruel to animals. Sometimes I find it hard (especially when travelling somewhere new), but I believe its OK to just try your best and not be perfect.